Q&A [2]:資料結構與演算法間的愛恨情仇

Posted by clins210 on 2020-11-23

Q1: array與list的差別?1-D, 2-D array與n-D array又差在哪?

A list is a data structure that's built into Python and holds a collection of items. Lists have a number of important characteristics:

  1. List items are enclosed in square brackets, like this [item1, item2, item3].
  2. Lists are ordered – i.e. the items in the list appear in a specific order. This enables us to use an index to access to any item.
  3. Lists are mutable, which means you can add or remove items after a list's creation.
  4. List elements do not need to be unique. Item duplication is possible, as each element has its own distinct place and can be accessed separately through the index.
  5. Elements can be of different data types: you can combine strings, integers, and objects in the same list.

Q2: 程式語言中的兩大部分:「資料結構」與「演算法」之間的關係?

Q3: 如何做一個stack出來?計概有教硬體的部分,那程式語言上呢?是已經寫好一種資料型態叫做stack,所以接呼叫就好,還是我要自己做出一個stack再呼叫他?

Q4: 所謂的手刻,好像就是自己用程式語言寫出具有同樣功能式function?

Q5: KMP演算法?


#Q&A #DSA #Algorithms

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